Saturday, July 02, 2005

world of today (WOTtm): our cute little life "together"

i've never acknowledged it ('cause if i'm wrong, it's an ultimately painful presumption) but i've always felt that pj put up from east to west: bicoastal verse a few years ago as a present to me, she being east, of course. so now i fondly acknowledge this. it's been our little personal webspace for a while, and now it's also a place to show off some of the people we've met up with in one way or another in our journeys and e-journeys. peej does all the layouts and stuff - the, um real work and i try to keep up my side of the deal (being the "laziest man in california" this is difficult, painful at times) by setting up my own stuff and the stuff of people i've asked to join in. this started as a personal website; now it has grown to be something important in my life. i like to feel thrilled as we create a new "edition". i felt especially good earlier this year as i put together Coleen Shin's chap, Life's Home, until I flaked out and pj came to the rescue to finish the formatting and stuff. it's like getting drunk and not being able to finish the gig. i don't really drink anymore though; this was about drifting, i think, one might say. and yeah: i have gotten drunk once and booked before the sets were over, long time ago. once. anyway, i started calling the site east/west for short, partly 'cause i think it looks neat, and partly to emphasize distance - continental divide. i myself really think all these placenames ending in Journal and Review are funny, and maybe someday might name something rejour, or rejournalview, or something.
umm... oh yeah: but in the end, whatever it is today, i think east/west will always stay at a low-flying level, and i think that's good. and i luv pj's cheerful involvement, and stuff. it's hers, really, she and hers.


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