Saturday, August 13, 2005


tiny cityscape

i imagine a day in the city
rain, rushing to catch a bus

and see this kid standing alone
small and his arms held straight

and he cries and cries as people
skirt glances down at him (and as

i watch), and the rain is louder,
i can't hear the bus

or the cars or anything, he cries
and looks around him slowly,

grey and black raincoats, dungarees,
and i'm still running for the bus

but slowly now, maybe that's why
the rain hits me harder now

and none of this happened, i only imagine it
and see then myself hop on that bus

if i thought about why i rode off
this would read differently

from the start. just remember
how he looks, this boy you see.



Blogger Tasha Klein said...

*come wif me - puff daddy & jimmy page*

3:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

john, the tension between it never happened but it did really threatens to pull this one apart, and that's the most admirable thing about it, how it manages to hold together just long enough to break our hearts. jim

6:53 AM  
Blogger The Lettershaper said...

Clappin', good-lookin'...

6:10 PM  

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